Monday, February 06, 2006

Kookoo for Coco!

I haven't been able to post in a few days. My wireless network at home is being kind of kooky. Anyways, Sunday I made Coconut Pie Pancakes from La Dolce Vegan for breakfast. Yummers! I kind of burned one of them, but other than that, they were so tasty! Great served with maple syrup and a little coconut for garnish. I had almost a whole can of coconut milk left from this, so I whipped up the banana coconut pudding from La Dolce Vegan. We'll see how that turns out tomorrow.

For lunch I had leftover barley mushroom stew from How It All Vegan. I love barley and I love stew so this was a perfect combo! Plus with the weekend dumping 40+ cm of snow on us, it was very warming and comforting.

Dinner was vegetable and millet stew from Vegan Cooking for One. It made enough for two people, in my opinion, but I still ended up eating it all. It wasn't really stew, per se, more like a veggie stirfry on a bed of millet. It was good for what it was, I just found it a little bland. It had brussels sprouts in it though, so that's a bonus. :D I'm not giving up on the cookbook though, I'll keep trying recipes, hopefully I'll find a winner! I had it with some broiled french bread brushed with some olive oil and a little salt. Yum!

Today, in the supermarket, I found these PC tamari corn and rice chips. When I opened the bag and smelled them, they literally smelled like vomit. But...they tasted good! I can't believe I even dared try them after the smell! They are super spicy. They remind me of nachos, and are a good snack.

For dinner I made the sunflower-lentil pie from Vive le Vegan! accompanied by a tahini mustard sauce (also from Vive!), a salad and sweet baby corn. The pie is so good! And the sauce turned out beautifully, it really compliments the dish.

I bought a spaghetti squash today, so I think I'll be making stuffed squash soon, as soon as I get all these leftovers eaten!

I weighed myself this weekend. I didn't gain or lose any more. I was actually relieved about this, because I didn't eat so well on Thursday and Friday (ramen noodles, nachos, the likes) but I got back on track and I've been exercising more lately :). Hopefully I see some results next weekend. I've discovered that if I exercise on our elliptical trainer while watching the O.C on DVD, a whole episode goes by so fast, and I get in 40 minutes of cardio!

Oh yeah, I got 98% on my animal histology midterm! Woot!!


jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

Wholesome eating! I don't have La Dolce Vegan, but I've loved coconut pancakes from my mom making them growing up, and now I make them from Vegan with a Vengeneance - sadly, my boyfriend is not a coconut fan so the first few are apple and then mine are apple-coconut. I very rarely eat barely, how sad.

Carrie™ said...

Congrats on the kick-ass mark! Way to go.
Your food looks great by the way. That photo makes me want to make the sunflower lentil pie right now!

Michelle said...

i'm so glad you made that sunflower lentil pie.. i want to try it, but i was waiting to see what someone else thought of it first ;)

Melissa said... boyfriend hates coconut too :( It sucks, I always want him to try stuff I make with coconut in it, but he refuses!

Thanks Carrie...I know, I really like that picture too, the lighting from outside was great, and the sauce looks yummy in that pic!

Actually I got the idea of making the pie from another blog, but I'm glad I made it. Its great!

Everyday Superhero said...

Regarding the Sunflower & Lentil Pie, do you have a food processor? I made it a few weeks ago and while it tasted okay I thought it would have been better if I had a processor instead of a blender.

Everyday Superhero said...

I keep meaning to ask...are you following a "diet" program such as Weight Watchers? Just wondering.

Melissa said...

Sweet pea, yes I have a food processor. It rocks. I hate how the blender never mixes anything evenly. I got my processor for about 40 dollars at Sears. Its awesome, it can do anything. A great investment.

No, I'm not on any diet program. I am trying more for a lifestyle change rather than a diet. I don't really have time or the cash to join a gym, so I'm just trying to eat healthy and exercise as much as possible at home. I do plan on checking out the book Skinny Bitch though. Its apparently a weight-loss type of book that promotes veganism.

Everyday Superhero said...


I also meant to ask what brand of ground oats did you use for the Apple Pancakes? I had quick oats and grounded them up but I'm not sure if it was the right cosistency.

Melissa said...

I used no name brand oats, I'm pretty sure I used the regular kind. What were you unsure of about the consistency?

Everyday Superhero said...

In the cookbook she suggests grinding quick oats if you don't have ground oats. Since I'm not too happy with my blender these days I attempted to grind the quick oats in my coffee grinder (which I use for grains and such -- not coffee). It seems like I did an okay job but I would like to try using ground oats and see if there's a difference. I couldn't find any when I was at the store. I think it made for a "thicker" pancake. Overall, my daughter and I enjoyed the taste so I guess that's what matters.

Happy b-day!

Harmonia said...

Oh! Goodness! How lovely!