Monday, March 14, 2011

Listen up picky eaters: "If one is forever cautious, can one remain a human being?"

Food for thought....

The quest for hubby-friendly meals continues!

American Chop Soy- 125 Best Vegan Recipes
aka American Chop Suey, or Macaroni and Beef, or American Goulash

This is a simple and yummy meal that comes together quickly. I subbed green pepper for mushrooms to satisfy certain picky eaters in the household. This recipe is listed under the kid-friendly recipes section ;). The lighting in this picture makes me ache for summer time.

Chipotle Veggie Bean Burrito-Vive le Vegan
Not actually chipotle, because I used smoked tabasco instead, but still delicious. A bunch of spices cooked with green pepper, onion, tomatoes and black beans. Billy ate 3. I topped mine with tomatoes and cheese, as the recipe recommends, but you can also put the cheese inside and eat it by hand. An avocado sauce was served on the side.

This is our friend's new puppy Hank, a Cairn terrier. How can you resist that face??


May Stephens said...

Both look very good...but the burrito looks absolutely yummy!

And Hank is adorable!

do you mind if i knit said...

Oh Hank! Hank you are just GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Vanessa xxx