Before I hear any comments about how gigantic that cookie is...I split it with Billy!
I'll post some pictures of a few lunches at some point.
I had almost a full can of black beans that needed to be used up, and I thought they would go bad before I figured out how to use them, because I was too lazy to do anything too big. But then I remembered the breakfast black beans on toast from La Dolce Vegan and prepared myself a healthful breakfast in about 15 minutes. I threw some cheese on top since I have to use that up too!
I also threw together a quick soup from How It All Vegan two nights ago, and its been dinner for the last two nights. The rustic tomato lentil soup reminds me of soups that my dad used to make (and still does) and with it comes a lot of comfort. Its very simple and delicious. I had cans of diced tomatoes and lentils in the pantry already, and the veggies on hand, so it was a really quick recipe to use. It also has noodles in it, for some slurping fun ;)
I can't see your pics but everything counds wonderful! I'm so into soup right now! Yum! black beans for breakfast...I've had them before...yea!
raising_kahne...they're homemade, they're the bountiful blueberry "buns" from Vive le Vegan, although they turn out looking like a giant cookie that tastes like a muffin, haha.
Yes, I was wary of beans for breakfast too, but they've grown on me...they're simmered with stock, salsa and spices like cumin, and then mashed up so you can spread it on toast.
Harmonia, that's bizarre! I can see my pictures now,but it might have something to do with blogger going down right after I posted yesterday!
Oooh, everything looks yummy- it's been a while since I had a soup with noodles in it. I can't wait to see photos of your laptop lunches! I've thought about getting one of those too.
rk...you really should make them. They turned out very different from what I had pictured but they're very good. Billy even tries to steal mine out of my lunch sometimes ;)
I would love to share my food, I just can't haha.
bazu, I've got a picture from today's lunch, but I'll have to post it tomorrow, as I have to start studying...oh about half an hour ago :P
It's so getting to be soup weather, isn't it? Looks so hearty and good. I've yet to make those Bountiful Buns. Soon!
I've been eyeing that lunchbox for a while now. Thinking of buying it for hubs to take to work. Please post how you like it... (Do you find it spacious enough, convenient?)
PS: the soup looks great... So warm and homey. And soups are always better the next day...
love slurpy noodles in my soup!
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