Thursday, August 19, 2010

“A good marriage is like a casserole, only those responsible for it really know what goes in it”

Mom's Morning Casserole- Vegan Brunch

I made this for lunch today, as I never seem to get up early enough to make this for breakfast at a decent hour. While making this, I was reminded of Wolffie's breakfast casserole from La Dolce Vegan, although it's quite different. I think I prefer Wolffie's, but this one was still nice. It's layered with paprika potatoes, scrambled tofu, and tempeh, covered with a cheese sauce. Mmmm. Billy likes this one too!

Strawberry Pineapple Smoothie- Quick and Easy Vegan Comfort Foods

Another green smoothie. Kale, pineapple, and strawberry. I love getting in my greens and fruit first thing in the morning. And its the only way that Billy consumes kale!

A-1 Veggie Burger and oven-baked fries-Quick and Easy Vegan Comfort Food

Veggie burgers basted with A-1 sauce, and topped with grilled peppers and onions, and fresh tomato. What a great lunch! For sides, oven baked fries and bbq'd mushrooms. The fries were so simple to prep and soooooo delicious! This meal was a combined effort. I prepped the fries and veggies, and Billy did the grilling.

Taco Salad- Quick and Easy Vegan Comfort Foods

OMG. Make this salad NOW. The taco bowls are so easy to make. The whole thing is. The salad consists of refried beans, taco seasoned TVP, salsa, lettuce, cheese and sour cream. We had these for lunch and weren't hungry again til 9 pm. So filling and delicious.

My wedding anniversary is this Sunday. The traditional gift for the first year is paper. Is there a new cookbook in my future?? :)


Anonymous said...

My favorite smoothie from booster juice is soy milk, strawberries, raspberries and pineapple (juice and chunks). It'd be great with kale too, I bet.

Anonymous said...

is there a title for that new cook book Melissa?

tradition is you cook for us on your birthday..maybe you should on your anniversary too...this all looks delicious


Melissa said...

Mom, I'd cook for you guys any day! We just have to plan it :P

Yes, the latest cookbook I want is called Vegan Table @ Chapters.