Monday, January 17, 2011

Lots of stuff...

I don't have much food for you, but I do have a random assortment of stuff so that I feel better about not posting!

Dill and Zeppelin hiding out in the closet together from the *evil vacuum monster*! (Thanks mom for the awesome vacuum!) At least I know what to do when I need some alone time from the fur babies :P

Slow Cooker Vegetable Soup - Quick and Easy Vegan Comfort Foods

I love coming home from work to a meal waiting for you. This soup was really easy to prep and of course easy to cook and it's quite tasty. FULL of veggies.

Presenting my first knit sock! I'm currently on the second one. I just turned the heel and picked up stitches for the gusset, so it shouldn't be too much longer...

Here's a simple and delicious chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting (from VCTOTW). Part of our Pizza and Cupcake Friday last week!

I just found out I got a job I applied for. I am continuing my quest to learn how to cook, clean and work full time, but I can't make any promises about regular posts just yet...

Have a good week :)


Catherine Weber said...

Congrats on the job!

Monkey said...

Hee hee! I like the pet pic. "Dogs and cats living together..." - Bill Murray :-)

Anonymous said...

your welcome hon! now what are you cooking US for YOUR birthday next month ? :)



Melissa said...

Haha mom. I was thinking of starting up that tradition again. I'll have to think of something special!

Martha said...

Great sock!

Anonymous said...

aww... I love your dog! :) so sweet and funny.